PostgreSQL Views with Runtime Parameters

by Horatiu Dan

There aren’t few the situations when applications are requested to be agile and versatile enough so that they can run dynamic reports for which the input comes at runtime.

This post aims to present a way of achieving it by leveraging the temporary configuration parameters supported by PostgreSQL databases.

According to the PostgreSQL documentation, starting with version 7.3, it is possible to set a configuration parameter using the set_config(name, value, is_local) function. Later, the value of the previously set parameter may be read using the current_setting(name) function, converted if needed and used. If the third parameter of the former function is true, the changed setting will only apply to the current transaction.

This is exactly what is needed here, a way of providing a runtime parameter value that can be used as part of an atomic operation.


The sample application is build with:

  • Java 21
  • Spring Boot version 3.1.15
  • PostgreSQL Driver version 42.6.0.
  • Liquibase 4.20.0
  • Maven 3.6.3

At application level, the Maven project is configured to use Spring Data JPA and Liquibase dependencies.

The domain is represented by products, whose prices are in various currencies. For converting between currencies, a currency exchange rate exists. The goal is to be able to read all products with their prices represented in a certain currency, at the rate of a certain day.

Proof of Concept

In order to start modelling, one shall first create a new schema, once connected to the database.

create schema pgsetting;

There are three entities – Product, Currency, CurrencyExchange.

@Table(name = "product")
public class Product {

    @Column(name = "id")
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "name", nullable = false)
    private String name;

    @Column(name = "price", nullable = false)
    private Double price;

    @JoinColumn(name = "currency_id")
    private Currency currency;

@Table(name = "currency")
public class Currency {

    @Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "name", nullable = false)
    private String name;


@Table(name = "currency_exchange")
public class CurrencyExchange {

    @Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "date", nullable = false)
    private LocalDate date;

    @JoinColumn(name = "from_currency_id", nullable = false)
    private Currency from;

    @JoinColumn(name = "to_currency_id", nullable = false)
    private Currency to;

    @Column(name = "value", nullable = false)
    private Double value;


Each one has a corresponding CrudRepository.

public interface ProductRepository extends CrudRepository<Product, Long> { }

public interface CurrencyRepository extends CrudRepository<Currency, Long> { }

public interface CurrencyExchangeRepository extends CrudRepository<CurrencyExchange, Long> { }

The data source is configured as usual in the file, together with the path to the Liquibase changelog file that records a few simple change sets for initializing the schema with the three tables and the relations among them.

For details, the application properties and db/changelog/schema-init.xml files may be explored.

The root changelog file is:

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns=""

    <include file="/db/changelog/schema-init.xml"/>

When the application is started, the change sets are executed in the order they are declared. So far, everything is straight forward, nothing out of the ordinary – a simple Spring Boot application whose database changes are managed with Liquibase.

Creating the Dynamic Report

Let’s assume that currently the application has two currencies defined – RON and EUR and two products with their prices recorded in different currencies.


|1 |RON |
|2 |EUR |


|id|name               |price|currency_id|
|1 |Swatch Moonlight v1|100  |2          |
|2 |Winter Sky         |1000 |1          |

CurrencyExchange rates for the 15th of November

|id|date      |from_currency_id|to_currency_id|value|
|1 |2023-11-15|2               |1             |5    |
|2 |2023-11-15|2               |2             |1    |
|3 |2023-11-15|1               |2             |0.2  |
|4 |2023-11-15|1               |1             |1    |

The aimed result is a product report with all prices in EUR, using the exchange rate from the 15th of November 2023. This means the price of the second product needs to be converted.

To ease the design, the previously set goal is divided into smaller parts, then conquered. Conceptually, products shall be fetched and their prices converted (if needed).

  1. Fetch the products
  2. Convert the prices in the requested currency, using the exchange rate of the requested day

The former is trivial, a Spring Data Repository method would easily allow getting the products – List<Product> findAll().

The latter is achievable through a query that makes the conversions.

       p.price * e.value price,       
       e.to_currency_id currency_id,
FROM product p
LEFT JOIN currency_exchange e on p.currency_id = e.from_currency_id and 
		e.to_currency_id = 2 and = '2023-11-15'

In order to unite the two, the following are accomplished:

  • a view is defined, for the above query – product_view

It is defined in the product-view.sql file and added as an idempotent operation in a repeatable Liquibase change set that is run whenever changed.

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns=""

    <include file="/db/changelog/schema-init.xml"/>

    <changeSet id="repeatable" author="horatiucd" runOnChange="true">
        <sqlFile dbms="postgresql" path="db/changelog/product-view.sql"/>

  • a new entity – ProductView – is defined as part of the domain, together with the corresponding repository
public class ProductView {

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private Double price;

    private LocalDate date;

    @JoinColumn(name = "currency_id")
    private Currency currency;
public interface ProductViewRepository extends<ProductView, Long> {

    List<ProductView> findAll();

The application is now able to construct the desired report, but only for a hardcoded currency and exchange rate.

In order to pass the two at runtime, the following are performed in the same transaction:

  • the two parameter values are set as configuration parameters – SELECT set_config(:name, :value, true)
  • the ProductView entities are fetched using the repository method

Also, the product_view is modified to read the configuration parameters set as part of the current transaction and select the data accordingly.

       p.price * e.value price,,
       e.to_currency_id currency_id
FROM product p
LEFT JOIN currency_exchange e on p.currency_id = e.from_currency_id and
		e.to_currency_id = current_setting('pgsetting.CurrencyId')::int and = current_setting('pgsetting.CurrencyDate')::date;

current_setting('pgsetting.CurrencyId') and current_setting('pgsetting.CurrencyDate') calls read the previously set parameters, which are further converted and used.

The implementation needs some additional adjustments.

ProductViewRepository is enhanced with a method that allows setting the configuration parameters.

public interface ProductViewRepository extends<ProductView, Long> {

    List<ProductView> findAll();

    @Query(value = "SELECT set_config(:name, :value, true)")
    void setConfigParam(String name, String value);

The last parameter is always set to true, thus the value is kept only during the current transaction.

Also, a ProductService is defined to clearly mark all operations involved in the transaction.

public class ProductService {

    private final ProductViewRepository productViewRepository;

    public ProductService(ProductViewRepository productViewRepository) {
        this.productViewRepository = productViewRepository;

    public List<ProductView> getProducts(Currency currency, LocalDate date) {


        return productViewRepository.findAll();

The name of the parameters are the ones used in the product_view definition.

To certify the implementation, two tests are set-up.

class Product1Test {

    private CurrencyRepository currencyRepository;

    private ProductRepository productRepository;

    private CurrencyExchangeRepository rateRepository;

    private ProductService productService;

    private Currency ron, eur;
    private Product watch, painting;
    private CurrencyExchange eurToRon, ronToEur;
    private LocalDate date;

    public void setup() {
        ron = new Currency(1L, "RON");
        eur = new Currency(2L, "EUR");
        currencyRepository.saveAll(List.of(ron, eur));

        watch = new Product(1L, "Swatch Moonlight v1", 100.0d, eur);
        painting = new Product(2L, "Winter Sky", 1000.0d, ron);
        productRepository.saveAll(List.of(watch, painting));

        date =;
        eurToRon = new CurrencyExchange(1L, date, eur, ron, 5.0d);
        CurrencyExchange eurToEur = new CurrencyExchange(2L, date, eur, eur, 1.0d);
        ronToEur = new CurrencyExchange(3L, date, ron, eur, .2d);
        CurrencyExchange ronToRon = new CurrencyExchange(4L, date, ron, ron, 1.0d);
        rateRepository.saveAll(List.of(eurToRon, eurToEur, ronToEur, ronToRon));

The former fetches the products with prices in EUR, using the recorded exchange rates.

void prices_in_eur() {
	List<ProductView> products = productService.getProducts(eur, date);
	Assertions.assertEquals(2, products.size());

			.allMatch(product -> product.getCurrency().getId().equals(eur.getId())));

			.allMatch(product -> product.getDate().equals(date)));

	Assertions.assertEquals(painting.getPrice() * ronToEur.getValue(),

When called, product_view is:

|id|name               |price|currency_id|date      |
|1 |Swatch Moonlight v1|100  |2          |2023-11-15|
|2 |Winter Sky         |200  |2          |2023-11-15|

The latter fetches the products with prices in RON, using the same exchange rates.

void prices_in_ron() {
	List<ProductView> products = productService.getProducts(ron, date);
	Assertions.assertEquals(2, products.size());

			.allMatch(product -> product.getCurrency().getId().equals(ron.getId())));

			.allMatch(product -> product.getDate().equals(date)));

	Assertions.assertEquals(watch.getPrice() * eurToRon.getValue(),

When called, product_view is:

|id|name               |price|currency_id|date      |
|1 |Swatch Moonlight v1|500  |1          |2023-11-15|
|2 |Winter Sky         |1000 |1          |2023-11-15|

Sample Code

Available here.


  1. PostgreSQL System Admin Functions
  2. The picture was taken at Legoland, Germany

Idempotent Liquibase Change Sets

by Horatiu Dan


“Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science whereby they can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application” [Resource 3].

The purpose of this article is to outline a few ways of creating idempotent changes when the database modifications are managed with Liquibase. Throughout the life time of a software product that has such tier, various database modifications are being applied as it evolves. The more robust the modifications are, the more maintainable the solution is. In order to accomplish such a way of working, it is usually a good practice to design the executed change sets to have zero side effects, that is to be able to be run as many times as needed with the same end result.

The simple proof of concept built here aims to show case how Liquibase change sets may be written to be idempotent. Moreover, the article explains in more depth what exactly happens when the application starts.


  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot v.3.1.0
  • Liquibase 4.20.0
  • PostgreSQL Driver 42.6.0
  • Maven 3.6.3

Proof of Concept

As PostgreSQL is the database used here, first and foremost one shall create a new schema – liquidempo. This operation is easy to accomplish by issuing the following SQL command, once connected to the database.

create schema liquidempo;

At application level:

  • The Maven Spring Boot project is created and configured to use the PostgreSQL Driver, Spring Data JPA and Liquibase dependencies.
  • A simple entity is created – Human – with only one attribute, a unique identifier which is also the primary key at database level.
@Table(name = "human")
@SequenceGenerator(sequenceName = "human_seq", name = "CUSTOM_SEQ_GENERATOR", allocationSize = 1)
public class Human {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "CUSTOM_SEQ_GENERATOR")
    @Column(name = "id")
    private Long id;

    public Long getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(Long id) { = id;

For convenience, when entities are stored, their unique identifiers are generated using a database sequence, called human_seq.

  • The data source is configured as usual in the file


The previously created schema is referred in the connection URL. DDL handling is disabled, as the infrastructure and the data are intended to be persistent when the application is restarted.

  • As Liquibase is the database migration manager, the changelog path is configured in the file as well.

For now, the db.changelog-root.xml file is empty.

The current state of the project requires a few simple change sets, in order to create the database elements depicted around the Human entity – the table, the sequence and the primary key constraint.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="100">
        <createSequence sequenceName="human_seq" startValue="1" incrementBy="1"/>

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="200">
        <createTable tableName="human">
            <column name="id" type="BIGINT">
                <constraints nullable="false"/>

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="300">
        <addPrimaryKey columnNames="id" constraintName="human_pk" tableName="human"/>


In order for these to be applied, they need to be recorded as part of db.changelog-root.xml file, as indicated below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <include file="db/changelog/human_init.xml"/>


When the application is restarted, the three change sets are executed in the order they are declared.

INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.database      : Set default schema name to liquidempo
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully acquired change log lock
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Creating database history table with name: liquidempo.databasechangelog
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Reading from liquidempo.databasechangelog
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init.xml::100::horatiucd
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Sequence human_seq created
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : ChangeSet db/changelog/human_init.xml::100::horatiucd ran successfully in 6ms
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init.xml::200::horatiucd
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Table human created
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : ChangeSet db/changelog/human_init.xml::200::horatiucd ran successfully in 4ms
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init.xml::300::horatiucd
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Primary key added to human (id)
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : ChangeSet db/changelog/human_init.xml::300::horatiucd ran successfully in 8ms
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase               : Update command completed successfully.
INFO 9092 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully released change log lock

Moreover, they are recorded as separate rows in the databasechangelog database table.

|id |author   |filename                   |dateexecuted              |orderexecuted|exectype|md5sum                            |description                                           |
|100|horatiucd|db/changelog/human_init.xml|2023-05-26 16:23:17.184239|1            |EXECUTED|8:db8c5fb392dc96efa322da2c326b5eba|createSequence sequenceName=human_seq                 |
|200|horatiucd|db/changelog/human_init.xml|2023-05-26 16:23:17.193031|2            |EXECUTED|8:ed8e5e7df5edb17ed9a0682b9b640d7f|createTable tableName=human                           |
|300|horatiucd|db/changelog/human_init.xml|2023-05-26 16:23:17.204184|3            |EXECUTED|8:a2d6eff5a1e7513e5ab7981763ae532b|addPrimaryKey constraintName=human_pk, tableName=human|

So far, everything is straight forward, nothing out of the ordinary – a simple Spring Boot application whose database changes are managed with Liquibase.

When examining the above human_init.xml file, one can easily depict the three scripts that result from the three changesets. None is idempotent. It means that if they are executed again (although there is no reason for doing it here) errors will occur because the human_seq sequence, the human table and the human_pk primary key already exist.

Idempotent Change Sets

If the SQL code that results from the XML change sets had been written directly and aimed to be idempotent, it would have read as follows:



If the two commands are executed several times, no errors occur and the outcome remains the same. After the first run, the sequence, the table and the constraint are created, then every new execution leaves them in the same usable state.

The aim is to accomplish the same in the written Liquibase change sets (change log).

According to the Liquibase documentation [Resource 1] – “Preconditions are tags you add to your changelog or individual changesets to control the execution of an update based on the state of the database. Preconditions let you specify security and standardization requirements for your changesets. If a precondition on a changeset fails, Liquibase does not deploy that changeset.”

These constructs may be configured in various ways, either at change log or change set level. For simplicity, the three change sets of this proof of concept will be made idempotent.

Basically, whenever a change set fails to execute because the entity (sequence, table or primary key) already exists, it would be convenient to continue and not halt the execution of the entire change log and not be able to start the application.

In this direction, Liquibase preconditions provides at least two options:

  • either skip over the changeset and continue with the change log, or
  • skip over the change set but mark it as executed and continue with the change log.

Either of the two can be configured by adding a preConditions tag in the change set of interest and setting the onFail attribute as CONTINUE (the former case) or MARK_RAN (the latter case).

In pseudo-code, this looks as below:

<changeSet author="horatiucd" id="100">
	<preConditions onFail="CONTINUE or MARK_RAN">

This seems in line to the initial desire – execute the change set only if the preconditions are met. Next, each of the two situations is analyzed.


The change log file – human_init_idempo_continue.xml – becomes as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="101">
        <preConditions onFail="CONTINUE">
                <sequenceExists sequenceName="human_seq"/>
        <createSequence sequenceName="human_seq" startValue="1" incrementBy="1"/>

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="201">
        <preConditions onFail="CONTINUE">
                <tableExists tableName="human"/>
        <createTable tableName="human">
            <column name="id" type="BIGINT">
                <constraints nullable="false"/>

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="301">
        <preConditions onFail="CONTINUE">
                <primaryKeyExists primaryKeyName="human_pk" tableName="human"/>
        <addPrimaryKey columnNames="id" constraintName="human_pk" tableName="human"/>


For each item, the precondition checks if it does not exist.

When running the application, the log shows what is executed:

INFO 49016 --- [main] liquibase.database     : Set default schema name to liquidempo
INFO 49016 --- [main] liquibase.changelog    : Reading from liquidempo.databasechangelog
INFO 49016 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice  : Successfully acquired change log lock
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::101::horatiucd
INFO 49016 --- [main] liquibase.changelog    : Continuing past: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::101::horatiucd despite precondition failure due to onFail='CONTINUE': 
          db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml : Not precondition failed
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::201::horatiucd
INFO 49016 --- [main] liquibase.changelog    : Continuing past: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::201::horatiucd despite precondition failure due to onFail='CONTINUE': 
          db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml : Not precondition failed
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::301::horatiucd
INFO 49016 --- [main] liquibase.changelog    : Continuing past: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::301::horatiucd despite precondition failure due to onFail='CONTINUE': 
          db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml : Not precondition failed
INFO 49016 --- [main] liquibase              : Update command completed successfully.
INFO 49016 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice  : Successfully released change log lock

As expected, all three preconditions failed and the execution of the change log continued.

The databasechangelog database table does not have any records in addition to the previous three, which means the change sets will be attempted to be executed again at the next start-up of the application.


The change log file – human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml – is similar to the one in human_init_idempo_continue.xml, the only difference is the onFail attribute, which is set as onFail="MARK_RAN".

The db.changelog-root.xml root change log now looks as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <include file="db/changelog/human_init.xml"/>
    <include file="db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml"/>
    <include file="db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml"/>

For this proof of concept, all three files were kept on purpose, in order to be able to observe the behavior in detail.

If the application is restarted, no errors are encountered and the log depicts the following:

INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.database      : Set default schema name to liquidempo
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Reading from liquidempo.databasechangelog
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully acquired change log lock
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Reading from liquidempo.databasechangelog
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::101::horatiucd
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Continuing past: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::101::horatiucd despite precondition failure due to onFail='CONTINUE': 
          db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml : Not precondition failed
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::201::horatiucd
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Continuing past: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::201::horatiucd despite precondition failure due to onFail='CONTINUE': 
          db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml : Not precondition failed
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::301::horatiucd
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Continuing past: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_continue.xml::301::horatiucd despite precondition failure due to onFail='CONTINUE': 
          db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml : Not precondition failed
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml::101::horatiucd
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Marking ChangeSet: "db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml::101::horatiucd" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN': 
          db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml : Not precondition failed
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml::201::horatiucd
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Marking ChangeSet: "db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml::201::horatiucd" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN': 
          db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml : Not precondition failed
Running Changeset: db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml::301::horatiucd
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Marking ChangeSet: "db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml::301::horatiucd" as ran despite precondition failure due to onFail='MARK_RAN': 
          db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml : Not precondition failed
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase               : Update command completed successfully.
INFO 38788 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully released change log lock

The change sets with onFail="CONTINUE" were tried to be re-executed, as this is a new attempt, while the ones with onFail="MARK_RAN" were marked in the databasechangelog and will be passed over at the next star-up.

|id |author   |filename                                   |dateexecuted              |orderexecuted|exectype|md5sum                            |description                                           |
|100|horatiucd|db/changelog/human_init.xml                |2023-05-26 16:23:17.184239|1            |EXECUTED|8:db8c5fb392dc96efa322da2c326b5eba|createSequence sequenceName=human_seq                 |
|200|horatiucd|db/changelog/human_init.xml                |2023-05-26 16:23:17.193031|2            |EXECUTED|8:ed8e5e7df5edb17ed9a0682b9b640d7f|createTable tableName=human                           |
|300|horatiucd|db/changelog/human_init.xml                |2023-05-26 16:23:17.204184|3            |EXECUTED|8:a2d6eff5a1e7513e5ab7981763ae532b|addPrimaryKey constraintName=human_pk, tableName=human|
|101|horatiucd|db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml|2023-05-29 16:40:26.453305|4            |MARK_RAN|8:db8c5fb392dc96efa322da2c326b5eba|createSequence sequenceName=human_seq                 |
|201|horatiucd|db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml|2023-05-29 16:40:26.463021|5            |MARK_RAN|8:ed8e5e7df5edb17ed9a0682b9b640d7f|createTable tableName=human                           |
|301|horatiucd|db/changelog/human_init_idempo_mark_ran.xml|2023-05-29 16:40:26.475153|6            |MARK_RAN|8:a2d6eff5a1e7513e5ab7981763ae532b|addPrimaryKey constraintName=human_pk, tableName=human|

At the next run of the application, the log will be similar to the one where the onFail was set on "CONTINUE".

One more observation is worth making at this point. In case a change set whose preconditions do not fail, they are executed normally and recorded with exectype = EXECUTED in the databasechangelog table.


This article presented two ways of writing idempotent Liquibase change sets, practice that allows having more robust and easy to maintain applications. This was accomplished by leveraging the change set preConditions tag inside the change log files. While both onFail attribute values – CONTINUE and MARK_RAN – may be used depending on the actual performed operation, the latter seems more appropriate for this proof of concept as it does not attempt to re-run the change sets at every start-up of the application.


  1. Liquibase Documentation
  2. Source code for the sample application
  3. Idempotence

Repeatable Database Updates via Liquibase

by Horatiu Dan


The main purpose of this tutorial is to present a way of detecting modifications to a stored Liquibase change set that was previously applied and execute it again automatically. In order to illustrate this, a small proof of concept is constructed gradually. In the first step, the application configures Liquibase as its migration manager and creates the initial database schema. Then, modifications are applied to the running version and lastly, the repeatable script is introduced and enhanced.


  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot v.3.0.2
  • Liquibase 4.17.2
  • PostgreSQL 12.11
  • Maven

Proof of Concept

As PostgreSQL was chosen for the database layer of this service, first a new schema is created (liquirepeat). This can be easily accomplished by issuing the following SQL command, after previously connecting to the database.

create schema liquirepeat;

At application level, the steps are presented below.

  • The Maven Spring Boot project is created and instructed to use the PostgreSQL Driver, Liquibase and Spring Data JPA dependencies. This is enough for the current purpose.
  • A Minifig entity is created, having two attributes – id and name. It represents a mini-figure with an unique identifier and its name.
@Table(name = "minifig")
@SequenceGenerator(sequenceName="minifig_seq", name="CUSTOM_SEQ_GENERATOR", initialValue=1, allocationSize=1)
public class Minifig {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "CUSTOM_SEQ_GENERATOR")
    @Column(name = "id")
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "name", nullable = false)
    private String name;

    public Minifig() {


    public Minifig(String name) { = name;

For convenience, when entities are stored, their unique identifiers are generated using a database sequence, called minifig_seq.

  • A corresponding JPA repository is declared by extending the existing CrudRepository.
public interface MinifigRepository extends CrudRepository<Minifig, Long> {}
  • The data source is configured in the usual way in the file.


The previously created schema is referred in the connection URL. DDL handling is disabled, as the infrastructure and the data are intended to be persistent when the application is restarted.

  • As the database migration manager is Liquibase, the changelog path is configured in the file as well.

For now, the db.changelog-root.xml file is empty.

At application start-up, the two Liquibase specific tables are created – databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock. The former, (which records the deployed changes) is empty, as nothing is to be executed yet – db.changelog-root.xml is currently empty.

The logs clearly depict the expected behavior.

INFO 28464 --- [main] liquibase.database      : Set default schema name to liquirepeat
INFO 28464 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully acquired change log lock
INFO 28464 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Creating database history table with name: liquirepeat.databasechangelog
INFO 28464 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Reading from liquirepeat.databasechangelog
INFO 28464 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully released change log lock

In the first version of the application – 1.0.0 – at least the database schema initialization should be fulfilled.

According to Liquibase best practices, a directory for each version is recommended and located under db/changelog, next to db.changelog-root.xml file. Thus, version-1.0.0 folder is created, containing this version change sets – for now, the schema-init.xml file.

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns=""

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="100">
        <createSequence sequenceName="minifig_seq" startValue="1" incrementBy="1"/>

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="200">
        <createTable tableName="minifig">
            <column name="id" type="BIGINT">
                <constraints nullable="false"/>
            <column name="name" type="VARCHAR(255)">
                <constraints nullable="false"/>

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="300">
        <addPrimaryKey columnNames="id" constraintName="minifig_pk" tableName="minifig"/>


minifig table and the corresponding minifig_seq sequence are created, in line with the simple entity class. In order for these to be applied, they need to be recorded as part of db.changelog-root.xml file, as indicated below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Version 1.0.0 -->
    <include file="db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml"/>

When the application is restarted, the three change sets are executed in the order they are declared.

INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.database      : Set default schema name to liquirepeat
INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully acquired change log lock
INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Reading from liquirepeat.databasechangelog
Running Changeset: db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml::100::horatiucd
INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Sequence minifig_seq created
INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : ChangeSet db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml::100::horatiucd ran successfully in 15ms
Running Changeset: db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml::200::horatiucd
INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Table minifig created
INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : ChangeSet db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml::200::horatiucd ran successfully in 4ms
Running Changeset: db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml::300::horatiucd
INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Primary key added to minifig (id)
INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : ChangeSet db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml::300::horatiucd ran successfully in 5ms
INFO 44740 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully released change log lock

Moreover, they are recorded as separate rows in the databasechangelog database table.

|id |author   |filename                                  |dateexecuted              |orderexecuted|exectype|md5sum                            |description                                               |
|100|horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml|2023-02-06 23:15:29.458517|1            |EXECUTED|8:be2c93cdecec258121a0e522cde14dbf|createSequence sequenceName=minifig_seq                   |
|200|horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml|2023-02-06 23:15:29.466702|2            |EXECUTED|8:7083de78675d6af112bec737838e8cbb|createTable tableName=minifig                             |
|300|horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml|2023-02-06 23:15:29.472865|3            |EXECUTED|8:db76242ba57fe4b4883e51313955cae9|addPrimaryKey constraintName=minifig_pk, tableName=minifig|

In version 2.0.0, a new attribute is added to the Minifig entity, its description. In order to reflect it at the database level, a change set is added in a version specific directory and plugged into the db.changelog-root.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Version 1.0.0 -->
    <include file="db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml"/>

    <!-- Version 2.0.0 -->
    <include file="db/changelog/version-2.0.0/minifig_update.xml"/>

The minifig_update.xml contains the change set that updates the table.

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns=""

    <changeSet author="horatiucd" id="400">
        <addColumn tableName="minifig">
            <column name="description" type="VARCHAR(500)"/>

The entity is enriched with the new attribute as well.

@Column(name = "description")
private String description;

At application start-up, a new record is added into databasechangelog database table, record that reflects the mentioned change.

|id |author   |filename                                     |dateexecuted              |orderexecuted|exectype|md5sum                            |description                                               |
|100|horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml   |2023-02-06 23:15:29.458517|1            |EXECUTED|8:be2c93cdecec258121a0e522cde14dbf|createSequence sequenceName=minifig_seq                   |
|200|horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml   |2023-02-06 23:15:29.466702|2            |EXECUTED|8:7083de78675d6af112bec737838e8cbb|createTable tableName=minifig                             |
|300|horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml   |2023-02-06 23:15:29.472865|3            |EXECUTED|8:db76242ba57fe4b4883e51313955cae9|addPrimaryKey constraintName=minifig_pk, tableName=minifig|
|400|horatiucd|db/changelog/version-2.0.0/minifig_update.xml|2023-02-06 23:31:21.146004|4            |EXECUTED|8:0fc33fb9a00f989ed96e3e3af48355c9|addColumn tableName=minifig                               |

In order to have some data as well, not just the database structure, a few mini-figures may be easily added in the designated table. One straight-forward way is by wiring a CommandLineRunner and provide it with the MinifigRepository.

public CommandLineRunner init(MinifigRepository repository) {
	return args -> {
		Minifig harry = new Minifig("Harry Potter");
		Minifig ron = new Minifig("Ron Weasley");
		Minifig hermione = new Minifig("Hermione Granger");

		List.of(harry, ron, hermione)
				.forEach(minifig ->"Persisted {}.",;

The application logs reflect what happens when the application is restarted.

Hibernate: select nextval('minifig_seq')
Hibernate: insert into minifig (description, name, id) values (?, ?, ?)
INFO 10516 --- [main] com.hcd.liquirepeat.config.DataLoader : Persisted Minifig(id=4, name=Harry Potter, description=null).
Hibernate: select nextval('minifig_seq')
Hibernate: insert into minifig (description, name, id) values (?, ?, ?)
INFO 10516 --- [main] com.hcd.liquirepeat.config.DataLoader : Persisted Minifig(id=5, name=Ron Weasley, description=null).
Hibernate: select nextval('minifig_seq')
Hibernate: insert into minifig (description, name, id) values (?, ?, ?)
INFO 10516 --- [main] com.hcd.liquirepeat.config.DataLoader : Persisted Minifig(id=6, name=Hermione Granger, description=null).

Handling Repeatable Database Updates

As the plot, let’s assume now that as part of application version 2.0.0, a simple Minifig Report is requested to be created, designed as a view – it contains the Id and Name of all mini-figures.

The code for creating it is straight-forward.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS liquirepeat."Minifig Report" CASCADE;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW liquirepeat."Minifig Report"
SELECT AS "Minifig ID", AS "Minifig Name"
FROM liquirepeat.minifig m;

One option to implement it is to create a new change set file in folder version-2.0.0 and deploy the change. Analyzing a bit more, one may envision that at some point in the future it’s likely for the report to modify and thus, another change set would be needed in the particular version folder so that the update is deployed as well.

A better solution is to be able to just update the script and the application to execute it automatically at the next restart.

According to Liquibase documentation, change sets have an attribute called runOnChange. When this is true, Liquibase detects a modification to a previously applied update and re-runs it.

With this detail acknowledged, let’s add a new change set in the db.changelog-root.xml, having runOnChanged=true and placed in a position where it is always executed the last. The change set runs a plain SQL file – minifig-report.sql – that contains the code for (re)creating the database view.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Version 1.0.0 -->
    <include file="db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml"/>

    <!-- Version 2.0.0 -->
    <include file="db/changelog/version-2.0.0/minifig_update.xml"/>
    <changeSet id="repeatable" author="dev-team" runOnChange="true">
        <sqlFile dbms="postgresql" path="db/changelog/run-on-change/minifig-report.sql"/>

At start-up, Liquibase executes the change set, as usually.

INFO 6128 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully acquired change log lock
INFO 6128 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : Reading from liquirepeat.databasechangelog
Running Changeset: db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml::repeatable::dev-team
INFO 6128 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : SQL in file db/changelog/run-on-change/minifig-report.sql executed
INFO 6128 --- [main] liquibase.changelog     : ChangeSet db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml::repeatable::dev-team ran successfully in 15ms
INFO 6128 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice   : Successfully released change log lock

The databasechangelog table records this as well.

|id        |author   |filename                                     |dateexecuted              |orderexecuted|exectype|md5sum                            |description                                               |
|100       |horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml   |2023-02-06 23:15:29.458517|1            |EXECUTED|8:be2c93cdecec258121a0e522cde14dbf|createSequence sequenceName=minifig_seq                   |
|200       |horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml   |2023-02-06 23:15:29.466702|2            |EXECUTED|8:7083de78675d6af112bec737838e8cbb|createTable tableName=minifig                             |
|300       |horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml   |2023-02-06 23:15:29.472865|3            |EXECUTED|8:db76242ba57fe4b4883e51313955cae9|addPrimaryKey constraintName=minifig_pk, tableName=minifig|
|400       |horatiucd|db/changelog/version-2.0.0/minifig_update.xml|2023-02-06 23:31:21.146004|4            |EXECUTED|8:0fc33fb9a00f989ed96e3e3af48355c9|addColumn tableName=minifig                               |
|repeatable|dev-team |db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml           |2023-02-06 23:51:37.876140|5            |EXECUTED|8:93b422e6004aecce9b67018d6b10bc82|sqlFile                                                   |

A few observations are useful at this moment:

  • since this change set is re-executed if changed, its identifier was chosen to be something that illustrates this aspect – repeatable. Also, it shall designate idempotent operations.
  • since the minifig-report.sql file might be updated by a certain developer, the author was set to be a generic one – dev-team.

As a last action, let’s imagine the Minifig Report is requested to be enhanced to also contain the description of a mini-figure.

In order to implement this requirement, a developer edits the minifig-report.sql file and modify the script accordingly.

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS liquirepeat."Minifig Report" CASCADE;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW liquirepeat."Minifig Report"
SELECT AS "Minifig ID", AS "Minifig Name",
       m.description AS "Minifig Description"
FROM liquirepeat.minifig m;

At start-up, it is re-run and the report structure is updated, that is the database view is recreated.

INFO 18796 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice  : Successfully acquired change log lock
INFO 18796 --- [main] liquibase.changelog    : Reading from liquirepeat.databasechangelog
Running Changeset: db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml::repeatable::dev-team
INFO 18796 --- [main] liquibase.changelog    : SQL in file db/changelog/run-on-change/minifig-report.sql executed
INFO 18796 --- [main] liquibase.changelog    : ChangeSet db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml::repeatable::dev-team ran successfully in 12ms
INFO 18796 --- [main] liquibase.lockservice  : Successfully released change log lock

It is important to note the value in the exectype column of the databasechangelog table has changed from EXECUTED to RERAN. Also, the value of the md5sum has a different value, as the contents of the file was altered and this triggered the re-execution in the first place.

|id        |author   |filename                                     |dateexecuted              |orderexecuted|exectype|md5sum                            |description                                               |
|100       |horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml   |2023-02-06 23:15:29.458517|1            |EXECUTED|8:be2c93cdecec258121a0e522cde14dbf|createSequence sequenceName=minifig_seq                   |
|200       |horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml   |2023-02-06 23:15:29.466702|2            |EXECUTED|8:7083de78675d6af112bec737838e8cbb|createTable tableName=minifig                             |
|300       |horatiucd|db/changelog/version-1.0.0/schema-init.xml   |2023-02-06 23:15:29.472865|3            |EXECUTED|8:db76242ba57fe4b4883e51313955cae9|addPrimaryKey constraintName=minifig_pk, tableName=minifig|
|400       |horatiucd|db/changelog/version-2.0.0/minifig_update.xml|2023-02-06 23:31:21.146004|4            |EXECUTED|8:0fc33fb9a00f989ed96e3e3af48355c9|addColumn tableName=minifig                               |
|repeatable|dev-team |db/changelog/db.changelog-root.xml           |2023-02-06 23:56:36.516859|6            |RERAN   |8:59be58683050b5ac350494d8bfbad7ac|sqlFile                                                   |


The tutorial presented a simple, yet useful and convenient way of automatically re-running database scripts that are periodically updated, without having each time to record this aspect in the root migration file and reflect the modification.


  1. Liquibase Documentation –
  2. Source code for the sample application –
  3. The picture represents Lego figures, designed and built by my son.

(Re)start Oracle Server on Linux

by Horatiu Dan

Having been an active developer for quite a long period of time, it was very seldom when I had to work in a project that had no database tier or was not using a database. Although as a developer I should not be involved in the database administration and troubleshooting, there were a lot of situations when I had to accomplish some “prerequisites” in order to be able to continue my actual tasks. One common situation is when a database server needs to be setup or an existing one needs to be restarted.

In this post I will pass the database server installation steps (that can be found in various other sources, e.g. Oracle Documentation) and focus on the final steps that need to be accomplished to actually start the server. If on a Windows server this job is automatic, as the Oracle database server (re)starts on its own, on a Linux box, there are a few manual command line commands that need to be provided in order to (re)start it.

Below there are the exact steps a user must fulfill in order to (re)start an Oracle database server on a Linux machine, particularly on Ubuntu. The Oracle database server I am currently using is 10.2.0 but the steps are likely to be quite similar for newer versions.

  • Change to oracle user. If not logged as root, the system will ask for the sudo password.
    $ sudo su oracle
    Password:  <enter the password>
  • Start the LISTENER
    [oracle] $ lsnrctl start
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 02-MAR-2010 10:09:10
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Starting /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1//bin/tnslsnr: please wait...
    TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
    System parameter file is /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/l istener.ora
    Log messages written to /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/l istener.log
    Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<host.domain>  )(PORT=1521)))
    Alias                     LISTENER
    Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
    Start Date                02-MAR-2010 10:09:12
    Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 0 sec
    Trace Level               off
    Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication
    SNMP                      OFF
    Listener Parameter File   /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora
    Listener Log File         /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/log/listener.log
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
      (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<host.domain>)(PORT=1521)  ))
    Services Summary...
    Service "PLSExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "PLSExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    The above steps may be useful also after a new instance has been installed and the Oracle server needs to be launched.
  • Connect as sysdba to the instance
    [oracle]$ sqlplus connect as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Mar 2 10:10:52 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Enter password: <enter the database password>
    Connected to an idle instance.
  • Start the server from SQL Plus command line
    SQL> startup
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area 4294967296 bytes
    Fixed Size                  2026296 bytes
    Variable Size             654312648 bytes
    Database Buffers         3623878656 bytes
    Redo Buffers               14749696 bytes
    Database mounted.
    Database opened.
  • After the above feed-back is obtained, exit SQL Plus
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
  • Start SQL Plus
    [oracle] $ isqlplusctl start
    Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Starting iSQL*Plus ...
    iSQL*Plus started.
  • Start the Enterprise Management Console
    [oracle] $ emctl start dbconsole
    TZ set to Europe/Bucharest
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2005 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control ........................... started.
    Logs are generated in directory /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/host.domain_orcl/sysman/log
  • Exit oracle account
    [oracle] $ exit

After performing all these steps and receiving command responses similar to the ones above, the Oracle database server should eventually be up and running.