Handling Vectors in AI Context via PostgreSQL pgVector

by Horatiu Dan

Relational databases are optimized for storing and querying structured data, yet most of the data today is unstructured. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are now able to “structure” pieces of unstructured data without altering its semantics. First, they transform it ‘conveniently’ into arrays of numbers, structures that are called vectors. Then, the vectors are stored into dedicated databases and worked upon as needed, so that the initial data becomes useful and meaningful as part of a high-dimensional space.

In AI context, the numerical arrays are called vector embeddings and can be seen as sets of “characteristics” of the represented entities (objects). Their role is to allow AI models to infer on them and consequently on the initial input data.

This article is an introduction on how to turn PostgreSQL into a vector database using the pgVector extension. It also briefly presents a few general vector similarity concepts, concepts that are relevant particularly in AI applications.


As developers become more and more interested in constructing AI functionalities (or exploring them), it is useful and helpful to have a basic understanding of the concepts around vectors in a multi-dimensional space. Moreover, when using techniques as Retrieval Augmentation Generation (RAG) where vector embeddings enrich the AI context to fulfill the user’s inquiries, this basic understanding becomes a prerequisite.

In general, Large Language Models (LLMs) are stateless, and it isn’t seldom when the responses they give to prompts are not satisfactory. In order to enhance their capabilities, they are improved with “state” represented as vector embeddings. It is said that this state is used to provide LLMs with “a long-term memory” so that the possibility of them hallucinating decreases. Basically, when a prompt is provided to a model, in case the results are not satisfactory, one may “help” it with relevant pieces of information – embeddings – extracted from the self vector databases.

For accomplishing this, at least two preconditions are needed:

  • gather the data, transform it into vector embeddings and have it stored into the database
  • when needed, quickly find the vectors related to the ones in the prompt and “hand” it to the model to use it

The former step represents the “magical” operation through which an ML model accepts text as input and through vectorization, transforms it into vectors. The latter is accomplished by leveraging the features offered by the chosen vector database.

When it comes to vector databases, there are quite a bunch of implementations available. A few are mentioned below.

  • PostgreSQL pgVector – in this article
  • AzureVector
  • ChromaVector
  • MilvusVector
  • Neo4jVector
  • PineconeVector
  • QdrantVector
  • RedisVector
  • WeaviateVector

According to OpenAI, “the distance between two vectors measures their relatedness. Small distances suggest high relatedness and large distances suggest low relatedness.”

With this definition in mind, it is said that the similarity of two objects is the distance between their vector representations using a specific metric (method).

The “theory” defines several such metrics:

  • L1 distance (Manhattan)
  • L2 squared distance (Euclidian)
  • dot product
  • cosine distance / similarity
  • Hamming distance

Choosing a certain metric depends on several factors, yet this aspect won’t be detailed as part of this article. Nevertheless, as the pgVector extension currently supports L2, dot product and cosine distance / similarity metrics, these are the ones analyzed next.

Installing pgVector

As of now, PostgreSQL does not support vector similarity search natively. In order to accommodate such a feature, the pgVector extension may be added. According to the documentation, one needs to perform a few simple steps [Resource 1].

Personally, I used an existing PostgreSQL 13.11 server running on Windows OS and I enhanced it with vector support by compiling, installing and enabling the extension afterwards.


  • install Visual Studio 2022 with C++ support, available here
  • run vcvars64.bat, located in Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\ directory
  • set PGROOT to point to the current PostgreSQL
>set "PGROOT=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL13"
  • get the pgVector source code
>git clone --branch v0.6.2 https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector.git
  • go to the pgvector directory and run the make file using using nmake
>nmake /F Makefile.win
>nmake /F Makefile.win install
  • enable the extension using the next SQL command
create extension vector;

At this point, one shall be able to use a new data type in their tables – vector, store data as vectors and perform similarity search queries.

Querying Vectors in PostgreSQL

The way a Machine Learning model transforms the text into vectors (“the magic”) is not considered as part of this article. Thus, it is assumed that the vector embeddings exist, and they are ready to be stored into the database.

Let the following three sentences have the following representations. For convenience, a space with three dimensions is used.

'Raccoons are silly and funny.'   - [3,0,4]
'Dogs are friendly and helpful.'  - [5,0,2]
'Cats are funny and foxy.' 		   - [4,0,3]

Since the vectors are available, they can be stored. Prior to that, a new schema and a minimal table are created.

create schema vectors;

create table if not exists document (
    id integer primary key,
    name text not null,
    content text not null,
    embedding vector(3) not null

One may notice that the fourth column – embedding – and its vector data type. The parameter represents the number of dimensions, here 3.

insert into document
	values (1, 'Raccoons', 'Raccoons are silly and funny.', '[3,0,4]');

insert into document
    values (2, 'Dogs', 'Dogs are friendly and helpful.', '[5,0,2]');

insert into document
    values (3, 'Cats', 'Cats are funny and foxy.', '[4,0,3]');

The data is in, one mays start launching queries.

select * from document;
|id|name    |content                       |embedding|
|1 |Raccoons|Raccoons are silly and funny. |[3,0,4]  |
|2 |Dogs    |Dogs are friendly and helpful.|[5,0,2]  |
|3 |Cats    |Cats are funny and foxy.      |[4,0,3]  |


Next, each of the metrics pgVector currently supports is analyzed. The context is simple.

Let’s consider, in addition to the three vector embeddings, a fourth one – [1,2,3]. As the focus is not on how a vector is produced, we could say it may mean anything. The aim is to find out how similar the stored vectors are with this one.

Graphically, the four vectors can be represented as below.


L2 (Euclidian) squared distance between two vectors represents the straight-line distance between them.

The lower the distance, the more similar the vectors.

e.g. the L2 distance between [3,0,4] (“Raccoons are silly and funny.”) and [1,2,3] (our query) is

In PostgreSQL, the <-> operator computes the L2 distance.

select *, embedding <-> '[1,2,3]' as l2_distance
from document
order by l2_distance;
|id|name    |content                       |embedding|l2_distance      |
|1 |Raccoons|Raccoons are silly and funny. |[3,0,4]  |3                |
|3 |Cats    |Cats are funny and foxy.      |[4,0,3]  |3.605551275463989|
|2 |Dogs    |Dogs are friendly and helpful.|[5,0,2]  |4.58257569495584 |

Dot Product

The dot product of two vectors is nothing but the scalar product between the two. The dot product distance between the vectors is the negative of their dot product.

The lower the distance, the more similar the vectors.

e.g. the dot product distance between [3,0,4] (“Raccoons are silly and funny.”) and [1,2,3] (our query) is:

In PostgreSQL, the <#> operator computes the dot product distance.

select *, embedding <#> '[1,2,3]' as dp_distance
from document
order by dp_distance;
|id|name    |content                       |embedding|dp_distance|
|1 |Raccoons|Raccoons are silly and funny. |[3,0,4]  |-15        |
|3 |Cats    |Cats are funny and foxy.      |[4,0,3]  |-13        |
|2 |Dogs    |Dogs are friendly and helpful.|[5,0,2]  |-11        |

Cosine Similarity / Distance

The cosine similarity between two vectors is the cosine of the angle between the two in the considered space.

The smaller the angle, the more similar the vectors. Also, it is said that similar vectors point towards the same direction.

The cosine distance is defined as the “complementary” of the cosine similarity.

The lower the distance (the bigger the cosine similarity), the more similar the vectors.

e.g. the cosine similarity and the cosine distance between [3,0,4] (“Raccoons are silly and funny.”) and [1,2,3] (our query) are:

In PostgreSQL, the <=> operator computes the cosine distance.

select *, embedding <=> '[1,2,3]' as cosine_distance
from document
order by cosine_distance;
|id|name    |content                       |embedding|cosine_distance    |
|1 |Raccoons|Raccoons are silly and funny. |[3,0,4]  |0.19821627426272692|
|3 |Cats    |Cats are funny and foxy.      |[4,0,3]  |0.30512077102769664|
|2 |Dogs    |Dogs are friendly and helpful.|[5,0,2]  |0.45407916631598844|

As cosine distance and cosine similarity are opposite, when working with cosine similarity, the results need to be ordered descending if the aim is to find the more similar results.

select *, 1 - (embedding <=> '[1,2,3]') as cosine_similarity
from document
order by cosine_similarity desc;
|id|name    |content                       |embedding|cosine_similarity |
|1 |Raccoons|Raccoons are silly and funny. |[3,0,4]  |0.8017837257372731|
|3 |Cats    |Cats are funny and foxy.      |[4,0,3]  |0.6948792289723034|
|2 |Dogs    |Dogs are friendly and helpful.|[5,0,2]  |0.5459208336840116|

To conclude, the cosine similarity measures how similar two vectors are, while the cosine distance, how different they are.

Enhancing the Search Speed

In the previous section, the aim was to find the vector embeddings that are closer to the chosen query vector – [1,2,3] – by using a specified distance metric. In order for such queries to be usable, they need to be fast. According to the documentation [Resource 1], pgVector uses by default the exact nearest neighbor search (kNN algorithms), which retrieves the nearest k vectors after comparing the queried one with each embedding in the database.

The complexity of kNN algorithms is O(n), thus scanning vectors with 200-300 dimensions against a big number of embeddings is computationally very expensive and not scalable.

The alternative is the Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) approach which trades accuracy for a great deal of improvement in speed. pgVector supports two implementations:

  • Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) – creates an index based on a proximity graph (related vectors are stored next to one another)
  • IVVFFlat – divides the vectors into lists and searches subsets of these that are closest to the queried one

There are plenty of details in the documentation [Resource 1] on how to parameterize, adjust and monitor “the progress” of the execution when creating and using indexes that work based on these algorithms.

In the case of this analysis, HNSW indexes were created, one for each of the distance metrics used.

create index if not exists idx_l2_document_embedding on document
    using hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops)
    with (m = 16, ef_construction = 64);

create index if not exists idx_ip_document_embedding on document
    using hnsw (embedding vector_ip_ops);

create index if not exists idx_cosine_document_embedding on document
    using hnsw (embedding vector_cosine_ops);

Each of them may be parameterized with the maximum number of connections per layer and the size of the dynamic list of candidates when constructing the graph, respectively.


Vector databases play an important role in the AI context, as they are used to integrate self-data with the actual AI model and consequently transforming it into a less stateless one.

For thorough and reliable results, there are a few important factors to take into account when choosing a metric. The actual data, the model used and the application type should be primarily taken into account. Then, the meaning of the metric is important in the concrete context.

Concerning the metrics analyzed in this article, from cosine similarity point of view, two vectors are considered related if the angle between them is small, irrespective of their magnitude. On the other hand, the L2 distance between them might be substantial and discussions around the normalization of the data, loss functions and fine tuning might arise additionally in this case.

All in all, it is advisable to use the same (distance) metric as the one the ML model (the vectorizer, the entity that produces the embeddings) uses.


  1. pgVector
  2. Spring AI Reference
  3. Open AI Platform Docs
  4. The formulae were created using Mathcha
  5. The picture was taken in Cluj, Romania

PostgreSQL Views with Runtime Parameters

by Horatiu Dan

There aren’t few the situations when applications are requested to be agile and versatile enough so that they can run dynamic reports for which the input comes at runtime.

This post aims to present a way of achieving it by leveraging the temporary configuration parameters supported by PostgreSQL databases.

According to the PostgreSQL documentation, starting with version 7.3, it is possible to set a configuration parameter using the set_config(name, value, is_local) function. Later, the value of the previously set parameter may be read using the current_setting(name) function, converted if needed and used. If the third parameter of the former function is true, the changed setting will only apply to the current transaction.

This is exactly what is needed here, a way of providing a runtime parameter value that can be used as part of an atomic operation.


The sample application is build with:

  • Java 21
  • Spring Boot version 3.1.15
  • PostgreSQL Driver version 42.6.0.
  • Liquibase 4.20.0
  • Maven 3.6.3

At application level, the Maven project is configured to use Spring Data JPA and Liquibase dependencies.

The domain is represented by products, whose prices are in various currencies. For converting between currencies, a currency exchange rate exists. The goal is to be able to read all products with their prices represented in a certain currency, at the rate of a certain day.

Proof of Concept

In order to start modelling, one shall first create a new schema, once connected to the database.

create schema pgsetting;

There are three entities – Product, Currency, CurrencyExchange.

@Table(name = "product")
public class Product {

    @Column(name = "id")
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "name", nullable = false)
    private String name;

    @Column(name = "price", nullable = false)
    private Double price;

    @JoinColumn(name = "currency_id")
    private Currency currency;

@Table(name = "currency")
public class Currency {

    @Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "name", nullable = false)
    private String name;


@Table(name = "currency_exchange")
public class CurrencyExchange {

    @Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "date", nullable = false)
    private LocalDate date;

    @JoinColumn(name = "from_currency_id", nullable = false)
    private Currency from;

    @JoinColumn(name = "to_currency_id", nullable = false)
    private Currency to;

    @Column(name = "value", nullable = false)
    private Double value;


Each one has a corresponding CrudRepository.

public interface ProductRepository extends CrudRepository<Product, Long> { }

public interface CurrencyRepository extends CrudRepository<Currency, Long> { }

public interface CurrencyExchangeRepository extends CrudRepository<CurrencyExchange, Long> { }

The data source is configured as usual in the application.properties file, together with the path to the Liquibase changelog file that records a few simple change sets for initializing the schema with the three tables and the relations among them.

For details, the application properties and db/changelog/schema-init.xml files may be explored.

The root changelog file is:

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog"

    <include file="/db/changelog/schema-init.xml"/>

When the application is started, the change sets are executed in the order they are declared. So far, everything is straight forward, nothing out of the ordinary – a simple Spring Boot application whose database changes are managed with Liquibase.

Creating the Dynamic Report

Let’s assume that currently the application has two currencies defined – RON and EUR and two products with their prices recorded in different currencies.


|1 |RON |
|2 |EUR |


|id|name               |price|currency_id|
|1 |Swatch Moonlight v1|100  |2          |
|2 |Winter Sky         |1000 |1          |

CurrencyExchange rates for the 15th of November

|id|date      |from_currency_id|to_currency_id|value|
|1 |2023-11-15|2               |1             |5    |
|2 |2023-11-15|2               |2             |1    |
|3 |2023-11-15|1               |2             |0.2  |
|4 |2023-11-15|1               |1             |1    |

The aimed result is a product report with all prices in EUR, using the exchange rate from the 15th of November 2023. This means the price of the second product needs to be converted.

To ease the design, the previously set goal is divided into smaller parts, then conquered. Conceptually, products shall be fetched and their prices converted (if needed).

  1. Fetch the products
  2. Convert the prices in the requested currency, using the exchange rate of the requested day

The former is trivial, a Spring Data Repository method would easily allow getting the products – List<Product> findAll().

The latter is achievable through a query that makes the conversions.

SELECT p.id,
       p.price * e.value price,       
       e.to_currency_id currency_id,
FROM product p
LEFT JOIN currency_exchange e on p.currency_id = e.from_currency_id and 
		e.to_currency_id = 2 and
		e.date = '2023-11-15'

In order to unite the two, the following are accomplished:

  • a view is defined, for the above query – product_view

It is defined in the product-view.sql file and added as an idempotent operation in a repeatable Liquibase change set that is run whenever changed.

<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog"

    <include file="/db/changelog/schema-init.xml"/>

    <changeSet id="repeatable" author="horatiucd" runOnChange="true">
        <sqlFile dbms="postgresql" path="db/changelog/product-view.sql"/>

  • a new entity – ProductView – is defined as part of the domain, together with the corresponding repository
public class ProductView {

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private Double price;

    private LocalDate date;

    @JoinColumn(name = "currency_id")
    private Currency currency;
public interface ProductViewRepository extends org.springframework.data.repository.Repository<ProductView, Long> {

    List<ProductView> findAll();

The application is now able to construct the desired report, but only for a hardcoded currency and exchange rate.

In order to pass the two at runtime, the following are performed in the same transaction:

  • the two parameter values are set as configuration parameters – SELECT set_config(:name, :value, true)
  • the ProductView entities are fetched using the repository method

Also, the product_view is modified to read the configuration parameters set as part of the current transaction and select the data accordingly.

SELECT p.id,
       p.price * e.value price,
       e.to_currency_id currency_id
FROM product p
LEFT JOIN currency_exchange e on p.currency_id = e.from_currency_id and
		e.to_currency_id = current_setting('pgsetting.CurrencyId')::int and
		e.date = current_setting('pgsetting.CurrencyDate')::date;

current_setting('pgsetting.CurrencyId') and current_setting('pgsetting.CurrencyDate') calls read the previously set parameters, which are further converted and used.

The implementation needs some additional adjustments.

ProductViewRepository is enhanced with a method that allows setting the configuration parameters.

public interface ProductViewRepository extends org.springframework.data.repository.Repository<ProductView, Long> {

    List<ProductView> findAll();

    @Query(value = "SELECT set_config(:name, :value, true)")
    void setConfigParam(String name, String value);

The last parameter is always set to true, thus the value is kept only during the current transaction.

Also, a ProductService is defined to clearly mark all operations involved in the transaction.

public class ProductService {

    private final ProductViewRepository productViewRepository;

    public ProductService(ProductViewRepository productViewRepository) {
        this.productViewRepository = productViewRepository;

    public List<ProductView> getProducts(Currency currency, LocalDate date) {


        return productViewRepository.findAll();

The name of the parameters are the ones used in the product_view definition.

To certify the implementation, two tests are set-up.

class Product1Test {

    private CurrencyRepository currencyRepository;

    private ProductRepository productRepository;

    private CurrencyExchangeRepository rateRepository;

    private ProductService productService;

    private Currency ron, eur;
    private Product watch, painting;
    private CurrencyExchange eurToRon, ronToEur;
    private LocalDate date;

    public void setup() {
        ron = new Currency(1L, "RON");
        eur = new Currency(2L, "EUR");
        currencyRepository.saveAll(List.of(ron, eur));

        watch = new Product(1L, "Swatch Moonlight v1", 100.0d, eur);
        painting = new Product(2L, "Winter Sky", 1000.0d, ron);
        productRepository.saveAll(List.of(watch, painting));

        date = LocalDate.now();
        eurToRon = new CurrencyExchange(1L, date, eur, ron, 5.0d);
        CurrencyExchange eurToEur = new CurrencyExchange(2L, date, eur, eur, 1.0d);
        ronToEur = new CurrencyExchange(3L, date, ron, eur, .2d);
        CurrencyExchange ronToRon = new CurrencyExchange(4L, date, ron, ron, 1.0d);
        rateRepository.saveAll(List.of(eurToRon, eurToEur, ronToEur, ronToRon));

The former fetches the products with prices in EUR, using the recorded exchange rates.

void prices_in_eur() {
	List<ProductView> products = productService.getProducts(eur, date);
	Assertions.assertEquals(2, products.size());

			.allMatch(product -> product.getCurrency().getId().equals(eur.getId())));

			.allMatch(product -> product.getDate().equals(date)));

	Assertions.assertEquals(painting.getPrice() * ronToEur.getValue(),

When called, product_view is:

|id|name               |price|currency_id|date      |
|1 |Swatch Moonlight v1|100  |2          |2023-11-15|
|2 |Winter Sky         |200  |2          |2023-11-15|

The latter fetches the products with prices in RON, using the same exchange rates.

void prices_in_ron() {
	List<ProductView> products = productService.getProducts(ron, date);
	Assertions.assertEquals(2, products.size());

			.allMatch(product -> product.getCurrency().getId().equals(ron.getId())));

			.allMatch(product -> product.getDate().equals(date)));

	Assertions.assertEquals(watch.getPrice() * eurToRon.getValue(),

When called, product_view is:

|id|name               |price|currency_id|date      |
|1 |Swatch Moonlight v1|500  |1          |2023-11-15|
|2 |Winter Sky         |1000 |1          |2023-11-15|

Sample Code

Available here.


  1. PostgreSQL System Admin Functions
  2. The picture was taken at Legoland, Germany

PostgreSQL JDBC Fetch Size for CallableStatements

by Razvan Popian

The result set fetch size is an important setting for processing result sets in a memory efficient way in JDBC. setFetchSize() method’s javadoc of java.sql.Statement class specifies the behavior of the fetch size:

“Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for ResultSet objects generated by this Statement. If the value specified is zero, then the hint is ignored. The default value is zero.”

PostgreSQL does not implement the above contract exactly as a value of 0 means to use the default fetch size configured in the driver properties (the name of the property is “defaultRowFetchSize”). Setting a non zero fetch size, works as one would expect for Statements and PreparedStatements, but unfortunately any fetch size set for CallableStatements is ignored. Moreover, the default value from the driver properties is used. By default, this is 0, which for PostgreSQL it means loading the entire result set in memory. This is obviously a bug that may cause memory problems when large result sets are processed.

Below, there is a piece of code that runs a PreparedStatement on a PostgreSQL database and demonstrates that the fetch size is applied properly. An Apache DBCP data source was used, thus we needed to unwrap the PostgreSQL result set and then used the Spring Framework ReflectionTestUtils class to peek into the rows member of the org.postgresql.jdbc.PgResultSet instance in order to count the number of rows loaded initially in the result set. Nothing is closed for brevity, it is assumed that the CostCenter table contains more than 10 rows:

public void testPreparedStatement() throws SQLException {
    Connection conn =  ; // get a Postgres connection
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("select CostCenterName, CostCenterNo from CostCenter");
    ResultSet rs = ps.getResultSet();
    System.out.println("RS fetch size: " + rs.getFetchSize() + ", should be " + ps.getFetchSize());
    System.out.println("Checking what is already loaded in the RS ...");
    List<byte[][]> rows = (List<byte[][]>) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(
        ((DelegatingResultSet) ((DelegatingResultSet) rs).getDelegate()).getDelegate(), "rows");
    System.out.println(rows.size() + " records already loaded.");

The output of the above code is:

RS fetch size: 10, should be 10
Checking what is already loaded in the RS …
10 records already loaded.

Assuming we have the following stored function on the PostgreSQL database:

    "DECLARE " +
    "  	cl1 REFCURSOR;" +
    "BEGIN\r\n" +
    "  	OPEN cl1 FOR " +
    "  	select CostCenterName, CostCenterNo from CostCenter;" +
    "  	RETURN cl1;" +
    "END;" +
"$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;"

and that the CostCenter table has 20 records, here is a second piece of code that runs a CallableStatement on a PostgreSQL database and demonstrates that the fetch size is ignored and the entire result set is loaded in memory. The rows member is peeked at similarly to the PreparedStatement example above:

public void testCallableStatement() throws SQLException {            
    Connection conn =  ; // get a Postgres connection
    CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{? = call getCostCenters()}");
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.REF_CURSOR);
    ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) cs.getObject(1);
    System.out.println("RS fetch size: " + rs.getFetchSize() + 
        ", should be " + cs.getFetchSize());

    System.out.println("Checking what is already loaded in the RS ...");
    List<byte[][]> rows = (List<byte[][]>) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(rs, "rows");
    System.out.println(rows.size() + " records already loaded.");

Assuming the CostCenter table has 20 records, the output of the above code is:

RS fetch size: 0, should be 10
Checking what is already loaded in the RS …
20 records already loaded.

Note the entire result set was loaded in memory.

In conclusion, do not rely on the fetch size set on the CallableStatement. The only reliable way to set the fetch size for CallableStatements is the driver property. The downside is that this is a global setting so you cannot run a certain CallableStatement with fetch size x and another one with fetch size y. Unfortunately, this is still the case for driver version 42.2.17.